Speaking as an autistic person, if you want to cure my IBS sure, but my autistic traits are more like super powers than disabilities. I have better concentration, higher perception of sensory input, better ability to recognize patterns, and an improved ability to learn new skills than neurotypicals. Yeah, I have difficulty expressing myself to neurotypicals, but that's a) not a problem I care to address or even a real problem at all and b) not a result of my own failures to communicate so much as neurotypicals' insistance of misunderstanding frankly stated language.
Honestly, I'm a little concerned about this research. It doesn't sound like it's being presented as the authors intended, but I would really hate to be limitted to the perceptual world neurotypicals experience. Yes, I have a great deal of physical pain due to stomach issues and due to constant sensory overload, but I also get much more out of life than normal people. I won't go so far as to say that autistic brains are the next step in evolution, but they almost are. "Curing" my autism would basically take away all the fun parts of being alive just so normal people would have an easier time interacting with me. That would suck for me. Even if talking to normal people started being rewarding it would take away so much of the wealth that I experience that I don't know if I'd want to stay alive.
I'm sorry, neurotypicals. I know a lot of you consider autism a disability and want to "cure" it. But honestly, I look at you and see how much you miss and despite the actual violence I encountered growing up from you normies, I wouldn't ever trade places with you. I genuinely feel sorry for neurotypicals most of the time. Instead of looking for a "cure" for autism, you should look for a way to develop your brains to be like ours.