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I’m Monetizing Elon Musk’s Idiocy
Some good needs to come out of this jerk
When 45 made that racist statement about foreign countries not sending their best and brightest I like to think he was talking about Elon, here. He wasn’t, because they’re both deeply awful to the point that they’re now frat brothers at Sigma Beta Awful, but I have coping mechanisms. Anyways, I’m going to explain why Peleton Husk here is wrong. And he’s so wrong I am actually expecting this to be a pretty short article.
Now, before I really get going we need a good warm-up, so I’m going to show you the academic dishonesty that got this started. Melon Tussed was responding to this guy, Cremieux who … I don’t want to be mean or make assumptions but his twitter bio says he writes about genetics and the first several tweets on his feed were were wildly irresponsible misinformation which from my perspective looked a lot like race bating. So, again, I don’t want to leap to conclusions but I don’t think this is a guy who engages critically or even honestly with scientific literature. And here is my proof:
First off, I’m really mad that Cremieux didn’t cite where he got those graphs, but I also understand why…