Hi Cookie, so I'm very confused as to ... well this entire comment in general. This post is on Phantom of the Opera and congenital syphilis. It has nothing to do with autism.
However, I will tell you I personally am autistic as was my mother. It's not infectious nor is it related to infectious disease. Autism is a neurological evolutionary difference and I'm trying to be nice here, but your characterization of it is weird and misinformed. I'm also very concerned about your claim re: mutations. Unless you've fully miscommunicated your point here your interpretation on that is wrong and potentially harmful. I have written in the past on what exactly "epigenetics" means if that's where you're confused so I encourage you to look through my articles for that.
I take especial offense at you comparing autism to an STI. And no, there is not a prenatal test for autism but it's pretty easy to diagnose syphilis. People like me with autism do have things like hyper or hypo sensitivity to various things but I have never reacted differently to antibiotics and I really don't think that's a thing.
I am deeply concerned with your attempt to medicalize autism. Based on what you've written in this comment I don't think you have a good grasp of developmental disorders, epidemiology, or infectious disease, but your grasp on ethics in medicine is actually harmful. It is possible you've simply failed to communicate any of this well, but your comment comes off as deeply ablest and a bit pro-eugenics. I really hope that's not what you actually believe and once again I will remind you that I am autistic and that there are a relatively high number of autistic people with advanced degrees.
Lastly, I do hold a PhD in Palaeopathology as is noted in my bio. I am actually Dr. Schulz. Regarding your comment that doctors would consider me crazy, to get a doctorate you have to be examined by a panel of people with doctorates. If they thought I was "crazy" they wouldn't have passed me. This article is not academic or medical, but it is based on medical and archaeological research. I checked your links and I'm a bit confused where you think what I wrote conflicts with any of this.
Did you actually read my article?