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7 Things No One Tells You About Anorexia
It’s not romantic, it’s not sexy, it’s just grotesque.
I’ve written about my experiences with my eating disorder before. One doesn’t really choose to have anorexia or bulimia or to overeat so it is important that if you’re going through it right now you know that this isn’t your fault. It can happen to anyone, male, female, rich, poor, gay, straight, and the triggers for it can be depression, anxiety, autism, economic stress, and on and on and on. The purpose of this list is to just be painfully honest about what you’re in for.
1. You’ll be lethargic, but unable to sleep.
This was one of the first things that happened to me. I’d go to bed at about 11 pm and wake up at 4 am. At first I thought this was great because normally I need eight hours of sleep and here I was doing “just fine,” on six. But the problem was I couldn’t, sleep more than six hours in a go, but I also was extremely tired throughout the day.
If you think about it, it does make perfect sense. When you stop eating or aren’t getting a reasonable amount of especially but not exclusively protein your body doesn’t need that much time asleep to do that metabolic voodoo that it do, but it also doesn’t have the resources to fuel your mind. Which brings me to number 2.